Free flu shots Oct. 14!

TCU’s annual flu shot clinic will be held Friday, Oct. 14 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the University Recreation Center's large gym.  Co-sponsored by the Health Center and Campus Recreation, the clinic will be staffed by Dr. Sharon Canclini’s public health nursing students.


The innoculation is free to all faculty, staff, and students who present a TCU ID.


Staff Assembly has collaborated with Sodexo and the Rec Center to provide cookies and water for faculty and staff who come to get a flu shot. The Rec Center has also donated a massage to be will be given away in a free drawing. Stop by one of the "At the Water Cooler" tables to register and claim your treats.


Staff Assembly will also be collecting donation items to support its Community Service Initiatives:

Got questions? Contact Sheri Milhollin at,  or call ext. 7856.

