Nominees for 2010 alumni awards requested

The Alumni office needs your help in identifying alumni, friends and students of the University who should be nominees for TCU's Alumni Association awards — especially the Distinguished Student Award, since faculty and staff know our students best.


Please take a few minutes and nominate alumni, TCU friends, and students who are deserving of recognition. The Alumni Association will hold its annual awards dinner on Saturday, May 1, 2010, to present awards to several outstanding recipients.
Links to each award's nomination form are listed below. So that we can give each nominee full consideration, please submit as much information as possible supporting your nomination.

The alumni awards selection committee, a sub-committee of TCU’s National Alumni Board, will meet in November to review all nominations and select those to be honored. Please submit your nomination(s) to the TCU Alumni Office no later than Monday, Oct. 26, by going to the links above, by sending supporting materials through the mail to TCU Box 297430, or by fax to ext. 7676. 
