Bror Utter paintings, prints donated to School of Art

TCU has received a generous gift of 18 paintings and prints by the late Bror Utter, donated by Faye Rathgeber Willis, a lifetime resident of the Fort Worth-Dallas area.


Utter was an influential mid-20th-century local artist, who was a prominent figure within the group of modernist artists known as the Fort Worth Circle. The collection of donated artworks span Utter’s career and show his interest in a variety of subjects and mastery of several media. Mrs. Willis’ gift also includes a work by Lia Cuilty, another artist associated with the Fort Worth Circle.


Works by Bror Utter are found in numerous private collections and in the Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Des Moines Art Center, the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Ogden Museum of Southern Art (New Orleans), Old Jail Art Center (Albany, TX).


In 1985, Ron Watson, then director of the TCU School of Art, organized a 50-year retrospective of Bror Utter’s art for the Moudy Gallery.


The TCU School of Art plans to organize an exhibition based on this recent gift.
